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Functional Vision EyeQ
Turn a standard vision exam into more. Much more.

Your two eyes and brain must all work together to navigate the world. It’s this connection that makes up your functional vision. A standard eye exam, however, only checks your eyes’ physical health and ability to focus on stationary objects — it doesn’t measure critical dynamic vision skills such as eye movement and coordination. Signs that you may have a functional vision problem include:

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Rereading or skipping lines of print

  • Short attention span

  • Poor reading comprehension

  • Poor coordination or balance

  • Slow completion of work

  • Previous brain trauma (concussions, strokes)

  • Loss of interest in reading

  • Frequent headaches

RightEye Functional Vision EyeQ is a 10-minute, non-invasive test performed at our office that could diagnose a functional vision issue and set you on a path to improvement. The RightEye system uses advanced eye-tracking technology to quickly and objectively analyze eye movements to support in the identification of visual tracking impairments that may impact quality of life. It can help identify the root cause of reading and writing problems, and improve athletic performance.

Call us to schedule your Functional Vision EyeQ test today.


At your fingertips: an easy-to-read report.

Functional Vision EyeQ Report

Functional Vision EyeQ Report


SO, why is RightEye a big deal?

Functional Vision EyeQ reports are quantifiable evaluations, which can help us determine precisely how our clients see. The reports also provide access to generalized oculomotor exercises via our EyeQ Trainer program. The reports’ graphical charts and diagrams make it easy for parents and teachers to understand their child’s vision status.

RightEye provides instant feedback of:

  • Object Tracking

  • Visual Perception

  • Visual Integration

  • Eye Teaming

  • Eye Alignment

  • Dynamic Visual Acuity

  • Gross Visual Motor

  • Depth Perception


Reading EyeQ video

One in four children has a vision problem that affects learning — a vision problem that is often misinterpreted as disinterest, sleepiness, dyslexia or ADHD. Eyesight (the ability to receive input through the eye) is not the same as vision (the ability to understand what that input is). Recognizing this distinction has monumental implications. Even a child with 20/20 eyesight can have a vision issue at the core of their learning problem. As you can see from this video, the Reading EyeQ provides insight into exactly where a person’s eyes are moving while reading.