Individual Therapy Sessions

Just hangin' around...

Just hangin' around...


Individual & Small group sessions

FUN is key! Function Junction provides individual sessions to address a client's personal goals.  During the evaluation, strengths and challenge areas are identified.  With your therapist, a treatment plan will be developed.  This may include a series of individual treatment sessions, home strategies, classroom recommendations or a home program.

As Occupational Therapists, we tackle the underlying components which are impacting a child's ability to perform a skill.  For example, with the skill of handwriting, we not only look at letter formation and pencil grasp, we also strengthen their core muscles for improved seated posture and visual tracking skills for improved copying.

Small group sessions are also offered for students with similar goals.  Peer motivation and support can be very productive.

Outdoor sessions at a client’s house or park add versatility to a session.

Outdoor sessions at a client’s house or park add versatility to a session.