Fun Ideas for Home

Check out these practical and fun activities with items you can find around your house. Keep checking back here. New ideas will be continually added.

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Just in time for Halloween.  This is a great way to get your kids involved in the kitchen, and strengthen some fine motor skills along the way.

1.       Gather your materials (hot dogs, spaghetti, pasta sauce, knife, cutting board, pot, water)

2.       Cut the hot dogs in ½ inch chunks.

3.       Thread 3-5 pieces of spaghetti through each hot dog chunk.

4.       Boil the water in a pot.

5.       Cook the spider dogs according to the pasta instructions.

6.       Drain the spider dogs.

7.       Put on your favourite pasta sauce.

8.       Enjoy your Spooky Spider Dogs!

Here’s a couple other Halloween appetizer ideas.


Life Skills

Function Junction has compiled a list of functional/life skills that kids need to learn. Often we don’t take the time, or “make” the time to work on them. Choose 2 from the list to start. Frequency is key. Practice a few times every day, till your child has mastered…then choose something else off the list.


Board Games

Depending on the type of board game, it can address a whole range of skills - turn taking, sequencing, problem solving, social skills, keeping score, money skills etc.

Or…be creative! Make your own board game.


Items to gather

Find a corner in your house to collect items that might come in handy for a craft project or OT game.

Toilet paper rolls, clean styrofoam veggie trays, cereal boxes, newspaper, jars, plastic bottles….

Stay tuned for FUN ways to use all this stuff.

*Don’t forget to send me a comment on the website or an email when you come up with an awesome idea you want to share.